Essays: Listed Alphabetically

Here is a list of essays by George H. Smith. Where an essay is part of a collection of more than ten essays, I have created a separate page for that topic.

There are many articles so it will take a while to compile a complete list. Each listing includes title, date, and publisher. Each is linked to the relevant essay. In listing alphabetically, the complete title including articles such as "a" and "the" are included. However, some essays that are part of a series do not have titles that follow each other if listed alphabetically. In such cases, I have created a title followed by a colon followed by the original title. The series below on Natural Rights is an example.

Unless otherwise indicated, all articles are at

We start with a featured essay, George's reflection on his third anniversary writing for It is a good introduction to his essays and why he writes. In it he compares pragmatism and ideology and explains why the history of libertarian philosophy is important. As he puts it, "Thus if we want to know how to persuade people to accept the ideas of liberty and establish a free society, we should begin by reading our successful ancestors.  Their ideas are as fresh and suggestive as the day they were written, however old and dusty the books may be in which those ideas appear."

Series of Articles

  • Abolitionism - 51 articles (categories: Abolitionism, Wendell Phillips
  • Ayn Rand and the History of Philosophy - 13 articles (categories: Ayn Rand, Aristotle, History of Philosophy, Immanuel Kant, William Friedrich Hegel)
  • Encyclopedia of Libertarianism - various contributions
  • Ethics and Morality - 15 articles (categories: beliefs, ethics, morality)
  • Freethought and Freedom - 29 articles (categories: atheism, Augustine, Benedict Spinoza, Christianity, deism, Edward Gibbon, Francis Bacon, freethought, G.W. Foote, Jean Meslier, John Calvin, John Locke, John Toland, Martin Luther, morality, property, Richard Carlile, secularism, Shaftesbury, skepticism, Thomas Aquinas)
  • Self-interest and Social Order in Classical Liberalism - 11 articles (categories: atomism, benevolence, Bernard Mandeville, classical liberalism, David Hume, Francis Hutcheson, individualism, Joseph Butler, self-interest, selfish system, selfishness, Shaftesbury, Thomas Hobbes)
  • Social Laws - 10 articles (categories: Emile Durkheim, empiricism, Herbert Spencer, Ludwig Von Mises, methodological individualism, methodological subjectivism, positivism, praxeology, social holism, social laws, sociology 
  • Thomas Paine Versus Edmund Burke - 11 articles (categories: Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine)
Below are individual essays s well as series with fewer than ten items. 

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